Showing 4 Result(s)

How to Stand Out in a Sea of Green

The CBD industry has been on the steady rise as more consumers are emerging and more countries are legalizing the use of CBD. Because of this, the market and the competition are fiercer than ever. With so many options to choose from, sellers and producers of CBD products in Canada are looking for ways to ramp up their marketing strategies and stand out from dozens of competitors.
Importance of marketing on the CBD industry
The surge of CBD advertisements online is very hard to ignore. Whether it is in social media, in a search engine, or just a random website, CBD …

On Federal Carbon Tax Constitutionality: Supreme Court postponed it

Canada’s Supreme Court decides to postpone the hearing about the constitutionality of federal carbon tax until June. The highest court is supposed to have the hearing next week, set in motion by Ontario and Saskatchewan, with the support of other provinces. However, Chief Justice Richard Wagner postpones hearings, as a nationwide exertion to prevent COVID-19 spread in Canada. This includes the carbon tax case.
Saskatchewan and Ontario’s highest courts have turned down the line of reasoning of those provinces that the federative constitution does not have the legal authority to enforce carbon tax in territories that do not …

Wage Grant for Ottawa May Be Too Low to Assist Smaller Businesses –CFIB

As stated by the Canadian Federation for Independent Business also known as CFIB, Ottawa’s 27 billion dollar funding, for businesses and workers, is a wise move; but, it might not be enough to help Canada’s businessmen in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Dan Kelly, the president of CFIB, focused on a new wage grant submitted by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Bill Morneau, Finance Minister, that would give businesses up to 10% of employee’s pay for a period of 3 months. Companies would be able to receive a maximum amount of $1,375 in every employee with a total amount of about $25,000 in every employer.
He said …

Bank of Canada Decided to Make an Emergency Interest Rate Cut

The Bank of Canada decided to make a sudden cut in the rates, reducing the central bank’s standard interest rate of 50 points to 0.75%.
The central bank itself already made a cut to its rate to 1.25% at a March 4 meeting to help prevent the impact of COVID-19.
Under usual situations, the bank sets its interest rate every six weeks and only makes an emergency action when there’s a need to do so based on a situation.
The next scheduled decision of the bank’s rate is set on the 15th of April. The bank states that it will give the full information of its viewpoint for Canada’s economy as well as the …